Bangladesh Oil, Gas and Mineral Corporation (Petrobangla) (2024)

Total Marks: 40 | Negative Marking: 2
Grade: চাকুরী প্রস্তুতি - ৯ থেকে ২০তম গ্রেড - পেট্রোবাংলা | Participants: 9

’পেয়ারা’ কোন ভাষা থেকে আগত শব্দ ?
দৌলত উজির বাহরাম খান কোন অঞ্চলের অধিবাসী ছিলেন?
কোনটি 'আকাশ' শব্দের সমার্থক শব্দ?

'সুনীল' শব্দের 'সু' কোন উপসর্গ?

Which was the first country to recognize Bangladesh?

$\log_2{4} + \log_2{8} - \log_4{16} = ?$

$\text{If } 5^x + 1 - 2 \times 5^x - 3 = 0 \$text{, what is the value of } x?

Given A = 2i - 3j + 4k and B = i + 2j - k , what is the value of the dot product A. B?

A right-angled triangle has a hypotenuse of length 10 cm and one of its acute angles measures



What are the lengths of the other two sides?

The perimeter of a rectangle is 24 inches, and its length is 3 times its width. What are the length and the width of the rectangle?

A circle has a radius of 30 cm. Determine the length of the arc subtended by an angle of


at the center of the circle.

Find the value of k if the distance between (k, 3) and (2, 3) is 5.

What is the area under the curve y = x ^ 2 from x = 0 to x =1?

What is the probability of getting sum as 7 when two dice are thrown?

In how many ways can a committee of 4 people be chosen out of 8 people?

শ্রী চৈতন্যদেবের জীবনীগ্রন্থ 'চৈতন্যমঙ্গল' এর লেখক কে?

'একাত্তরের যীশু' গল্পের রচয়িতা কে?

'কপাল' শব্দের প্রতিশব্দ কোনটি?

'মেঘের ছায়া' প্রবচনটির অর্থ কি ?

যে সমাসে পূর্বপদ ও পরপদের কোনটির অর্থ না বুঝিয়ে অন্য কিছু বোঝায় তাকে কোন সমাস বলে?

"সে তিন দিন পথ চলল।” এখানে 'তিন দিন' কোন কারকে কোন বিভক্তি?

The only foreigner awarded the title of "Bir Protik" is

When did Bangladesh become a member of OIC?

In which year did the Bangladesh cricket team gain Test (full membership) status from the ICC?

The Sea of Azov is located between which two countries?

The Battle of Waterloo was fought in ____?

Which country is the host of the 2024 BRICS summit?

Which country is the latest member of NATO?

Which President of Iran recently died in a helicopter crash?

Who invented the the first Digital Computer?

Which of these words is closest in meaning to the word 'Gracious'?

Which of the following options is closest in meaning to 'Naive'?

What is the adjective form of 'Domination'?

English is no longer ____ unique possession of the British or the Americans.

The team captain, as well as his players, ____ anxious.

The committee____ how to proceed.

We ____ bought our tickets yet.

He went on _____

We are going on vacation ____ December.

Children are susceptible ____ disease.