A sentence has been divided into six parts marked as P, Q, R, S, T, and W. These are -

(P) by human interaction, natural disasters and climate changes

(Q) has lots of species diversity 

(R) to be seriously damaged

(S) and is less likely

(T) a healthy ecosystem 

(W) that can take place

Choose the proper sequence to make a meaningful and correct sentence.

এটি একটি English বহু নির্বাচনী প্রশ্ন যা বিভিন্ন শ্রেণীর শিক্ষার্থীদের জন্য।

সঠিক উত্তর


এম সি কিউ প্রশ্ন

বিষয়ভিত্তিক সাপ্তাহিক মডেল টেস্ট - English

ফলাফল ঘোষণা

মোট প্রশ্ন আছে
৫০ টি
মোট মার্ক
ভুল উত্তরের জন্য ০.৫ মার্ক কাটা যাবে

মডেল টেস্ট দিন, সম্পূর্ণ বিনামূল্যে

লগইন করে মডেল টেস্ট শুরু করুন



A sentence has been divided into six parts marked as P, Q, R, S, T, and W. These are:

  • P: by human interaction, natural disasters and climate changes

  • Q: has lots of species diversity

  • R: to be seriously damaged

  • S: and is less likely

  • T: a healthy ecosystem

  • W: that can take place

Choose the proper sequence to make a meaningful and correct sentence.

The correct answer is TQSRPW.


To construct a coherent and meaningful sentence from the given parts, we need to analyze the logical flow of ideas and the grammatical structure of the potential sentence. Below is a thorough breakdown:

1. Identifying the Subject and Main Clause

The main subject of the sentence appears to be "a healthy ecosystem" (T). Therefore, the sentence should logically start with T.

T: a healthy ecosystem

2. Adding the Next Logical Part

Part Q follows naturally after T, providing an immediate description of the subject.

Q: has lots of species diversity

Combining T and Q, we get:

"A healthy ecosystem has lots of species diversity"

3. Introducing the Condition and Consequence

The next logical progression involves introducing the situation that the sentence addresses. Part S complements the main clause by introducing a comparative idea.

S: and is less likely

Now we have:

"A healthy ecosystem has lots of species diversity and is less likely"

4. The Predicate and Further Detail

Part R logically concludes the idea begun by part S, finishing the comparative statement.

R: to be seriously damaged

Bringing it together:

"A healthy ecosystem has lots of species diversity and is less likely to be seriously damaged"

5. Providing Additional Information

Parts P and W together seem to give the context or reason for the conclusion. Part P can be added to provide specificity to the damage:

P: by human interaction, natural disasters and climate changes

Including P, we get:

"A healthy ecosystem has lots of species diversity and is less likely to be seriously damaged by human interaction, natural disasters and climate changes"

6. Final Part for Completion

Lastly, part W finalizes the sentence by providing a supplementary clause.

W: that can take place

The final sentence is:

"A healthy ecosystem has lots of species diversity and is less likely to be seriously damaged by human interaction, natural disasters and climate changes that can take place."

Final Sequence

Therefore, the proper sequence to form a meaningful and correct sentence is TQSRPW.

প্রশ্ন পরিসংখ্যান

পাবলিক পরীক্ষার অন্তর্ভুক্তি

এই প্রশ্নটি আমাদের বিস্তৃত আর্কাইভের মধ্যে 1 পাবলিক পরীক্ষায় অন্তর্ভুক্ত হয়েছে।

প্রথম উত্তরদাতা হন!

আমাদের প্ল্যাটফর্মে এখনও কেউ এই প্রশ্নের উত্তর দেয়নি। আপনি প্রথম হতে পারেন!